
Effects quickly appeared from Day 3 onward…

It was during the night of Day 3 since applying the Energy Cream when the damp redness started to disappear and became brownish and dry. My skin was still bumpy. The swelling in my right leg was still there.

Most of the redness went away by Day 8!

Pictures D to G show what it looked like, 8 days after applying the cream.

While there is still some redness, most of it had gone away and it now looks clean. My skin is no longer bumpy and is now smooth. I felt that things were OK new and so I removed the gauze. My leg returned to normal. I'm going to continue applying cream. I realized how different moisture retention was, compared with areas of the skin where I did not apply cream.
Feb 15

Everything is back to normal in 2 weeks, after applying cream!

It's been 2 weeks since I applied Energy Cream. Pictures H & I are from the 21st. Thankfully, most of the redness has disappeared and my skin is now smooth and silky. I'm fully recovered! The dropsical swelling on my right leg is barely visible now.

Family also surprised by cream effects!!

My family is also amazed by the Energy Cream's effects!!

Although my leg was most swollen and red during the first 2 days since applying the cream, now that I think about it, I believe this was because the toxicants were actively removed from my body.

Thank you very much, Ms. Kondo.
I'm very grateful towards you!


The above experiences were the ones shared with us. I'm really glad!

As shown above, I want to thank him for sharing his experiences with his terrible eczema and how his family was also surprised with the results.

While there are individual differences in terms of results, we urge that you try this yourself for your own beauty and health.


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